Are you considering switching your Credit Card Merchant Services Provider?
Business Owners and Non-Profit Organization leaders beware more than ever before. As new technology has brought in an abundance of players into the payment processing space, the tactics used by companies and their reps to gain or retain your business is becoming more confusing than any time in the past.
With new fee structures being presented, it may not be in your best interest to use existing or new services based on the type of card your clients use to purchase, pay bills or make donations. Do your homework. Whether you have to switch because of new technology or someone has made multiple promises to you, READ YOUR CONTRACT BEFORE YOU SIGN IT.
The contract in a majority of the cases is not exactly what you were told verbally by that nice person who called on you or the written proposal that you thought was supposed to be exactly the same in your binding new contract. The contract you end up signing has fine print that could eventually commit you for years to that merchant service provider unless you pay a HEFTY PENALTY to cancel it.
As a 14 year veteran in the industry and watching technology change faster than ever, I hope you will take my advice and make sure you sign a contract that has a “zero dollar termination” clause.
Bruce Reisman
Focus Financial Solutions,LLC
1888 Emery St. Suite 450
Atlanta, Ga. 30318